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Reefs in the Early Paleozoic Taebaek Group, Korea: A Review
Distribution and Characteristics of Dinosaur Eggs in China
Calcified Biofilms from Cambrian Oolitic Limestones in China
The Present Research and Prospect of Chinese Geosciences History
Research on Formation Mechanisms of Hot Dry Rock Resources in China
Building Damage Extraction from Post-earthquake Airborne LiDAR Data
Quantitative Geoscience and Geological Big Data Development: A Review
Two Super-Large Gold Deposits Have Been Discovered in Jiaodong Peninsula of China
The Diversity and Phylogeny of Mesozoic Symphyta (Hymenoptera) from Northeastern China
Devonian Bivalve Faunas, Life-habits, and Biodiversity Changes in Guangxi, South China
Exhumation History of the Xining Basin Since the Mesozoic and Its Tectonic Significance
A Simplified Numerical Approach for the Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Retrogressive Landslides
A Review of Research Progress in the Genesis of Colloform Pyrite and Its Environmental Indications
Geochemical Characteristics of the Fluid Inclusions Trapped in Primary Gypsum of the Lop Nor Basin
Types and Characteristics of Volcanostratigraphic Boundaries and Their Oil-Gas Reservoir Significance
Alkaline Basalts in the Bayingou Ophiolitic Mélange of Northern Tianshan Mountains: Origination from Seamounts?
China's Largest Granite-Type Gas Field was Discovered in Qinghai——The Inorganic Theory has Aroused Attention again
Occurrences and Formation Mechanisms of Botryoidal Structures from the Sinian Dengying Formation, Sichuan Basin, China
Tectonic Stress State Changes Before and After the Wenchuan Ms8.0 Earthquake in the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Fission Track Thermochronology Evidence for the Cretaceous and Paleogene Tectonic Event of Nyainrong Microcontinent, Tibet