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十多年前送別的我成了如今遠(yuǎn)去的人,十多年前遠(yuǎn)去的父母成了如今送別的人。每一次返校的清晨,母親總是會(huì)像當(dāng)年遠(yuǎn)去一樣的早早起床,為我收拾行李,為我準(zhǔn)備早餐,一切完畢后便送我到車站,來繼續(xù)這部沒有結(jié)局的戲。千叮嚀萬囑咐:好好學(xué)習(xí),注意身體,多吃飯,少喝冷水……總有說不完道不盡的“嘮叨”,一種讓人心田溫暖的嘮叨。車開了,透過窗,雖然外面光線暗,但我卻分明看到了母親眼里的不舍,以及水汪汪的眼眶。離去了,便是無限的不舍與懷念;待到歸來時(shí),眼中是一種欣喜若狂的興奮。但眼睛不管是在離去還是歸來時(shí)總是濕濕的。 作文居為寫作提供靈感動(dòng)力



Green hills are hidden, and green water is far away. I stand at the door of literature, and I see that the flowing of the door is the fragrance of ink, and the charm of the clear and bright moon. The Wutong drizzle and the Western window are red candles. I stand at the door of literature and see that the flowing inside the door is a strong and sad feeling that is stirring. Standing at the door of literature, I can hear the Sheng Xiao, the sigh, the piccolo and the beauty in the door. Standing at the door of literature, my thoughts have turned into a river of spring water flowing into the world inside.


Standing at the door of literature, I listen to the singing of those noble souls with a sense of awe, stop to watch the flower of spirit hidden behind the words, and harvest an ideal as bright as the sun and a yearning for the sublime.


When the twilight four, a lamp such as beans, a book such as sail, send me to the door of literature. The generation of heroes facing Jieshi in the East, drinking in the river and writing poems, can still sing the unyielding voice of "old steed, ambitious, old martyr, unyielding" even though the years have dyed his hair white. That strong and vigorous spirit always makes me praise. The poetic woman who drifted and fell in the turbulent times spun the hatred of the country into the bitterness of dyeing willow smoke and playing the plum flute. Even though the curtain rolled the west wind, people were still in the state of extinction, leaving a strong ink and color with weak talent. Those sonorous or soft words, splashed in the long river of history, stirring up the far-off sound.


The soul and life that has been turned into literature and art solidify eternity in the palace of literature. When I stand at the door of literature, the spirit of Xuanju has deeply infected me, and the tears of the true feelings that have filled with sorrow and joy have soaked me. They exist in the vision of history in the way of literature, easily capture me, and use the words forged by their noble souls to stagnate my pace, refusing to be the idle Fox and rabbit in the world.


Standing at the door of literature, the philosophy of life floating out of the door, like the bright stars on the night, lights up my life journey.


Shi Tiesheng, who derided himself as "the profession is sick, the writing is amateur", deeply moved by his thoughts on life in his writing, and his perseverance made me calm and calm when I was encountering bumps. Bing Xin's deep sea and holy maternal love also make me stop and feel the love of my life in the gap of walking in a hurry. Reading how steel is made, I moved by Paul's steel will, reading Robinson Crusoe, I appreciate the combination of life and nature


The living form and attitude embodied by literature, such as drizzle and flying flowers, moisten the poetic years of life. When I stand at the door of literature, the evening rain and morning wind come in bursts, making me walk strong and poetic.


Standing at the door of literature, after all, is just to appreciate the different aspects of literature. I know that one day, I will walk into the palace of literature and use my own pen to outline the different features of life.








Youth is a string of wind bells, I see it hanging at the door of eighteen years old, jingling with the wind, beckoning to me. I know that across this door, I will say goodbye to the green youth, towards my mature life.


My birthday happens to be in July. It's a different experience to cross the college entrance examination to welcome my 18th birthday, because after more than ten years of study and the baptism of the college entrance examination, this rite of passage is more calm and intelligent.


Standing at the gate of eighteen, looking back, it was a wonderful life for eighteen years. I have gained family affection. There are my parents' meticulous care and earnest instruction for me from babbling to toddler to independent thinking. I have gained friendship, from the playmates who fought when I was a child to the best friends who studied in my classmates. Their innocent smile and countless times of mutual encouragement have left warm memories in my heart forever. I have gained knowledge. In the past 18 years, I have been swimming around like a thirsty fish in the ocean of knowledge. Literary masterpieces have inspired me with wisdom and given me the impetus to move forward. They are the rain and dew that moisten my dry heart. They are good teachers and mentors when I am alone and desperate. Natural science has made me feel more truly the wonder and beauty of the world and inspired my thirst to explore the world Hope. I have gained national pride. As a yellow skinned Chinese, I am glad to witness the progress and glory of our motherland. I am glad to be with such a nation!


Thanks for the 18-year-old life, which makes me feel the truth, goodness and beauty of the world, and makes me more clear about my ideal and goal of life!


Standing at the door of 18 years old, I watched the beautiful wind bells and told myself: wave goodbye to the past full of ups and downs! Now, I have to summon up my courage to prepare for the next voyage of life.


Maybe like all my friends who are about to or just growing up, my heart is full of nostalgia, hesitation and hope. It's a real shy initiation. It's a passion and desire to manipulate life!


Standing at the door of 18 years old, looking forward, it will be full of unknown journey, unknown success, unknown failure, unknown joy, unknown troubles, will I be confused? Will you be overwhelmed by difficulties? Oh, look up, it's the parents' affirmative eyes, it's the friend's cordial wave, it's the teacher's beautiful smile. Oh, and the Chinese around me, the Chinese who are always strong and unyielding, with whom I will not be afraid. I will go forward with them and inherit the hard work and wisdom of the Chinese people for five thousand years. I think I can certainly.


Standing at the door of 18, looking at the sea of life, I think:


Leave the sail to the wind,


Leave the oars to the waves,


Leave me the captain's place!


Standing at the door of literature


Green hills are hidden, and green water is far away. I stand at the door of literature, and I see that the flowing of the door is the fragrance of ink, and the charm of the clear and bright moon. The Wutong drizzle and the Western window are red candles. I stand at the door of literature and see that the flowing inside the door is a strong and sad feeling that is stirring. Standing at the door of literature, I can hear the Sheng Xiao, the sigh, the piccolo and the beauty in the door. Standing at the door of literature, my thoughts have turned into a river of spring water flowing into the world inside.


Standing at the door of literature, I am in awe to listen to the singing of those noble souls, to stop and watch the spiritual flowers hidden behind the words, to harvest a brilliant dream and yearning for the sublime.


When the twilight four, a lamp such as beans, a book such as sail, send me to the door of literature. The generation of heroes facing Jieshi in the East, drinking in the river and writing poems, can still sing the unyielding voice of "old steed, ambitious, old martyr, unyielding" even though the years have dyed his hair white. That strong and vigorous spirit always makes me praise. The poetic woman who drifted and fell in the turbulent times spun the hatred of the country into a thick shade of willow smoke. Even though the curtain rolled the west wind and people were more beautiful than yellow flowers, she would still be in the state of extinction, leaving a thick and colorful stroke with her weak talent. Those sonorous or soft words, splashed in the long river of history, stirring up the far-off sound.


The soul and life that has been turned into literature and art solidify eternity in the palace of literature. When I stand at the door of literature, the spirit of Xuanju has deeply infected me, and the tears of the true feelings that have filled with sorrow and joy have soaked me. They exist in the vision of history in the way of literature, easily capture me, and use the words forged by their noble souls to stagnate my pace, refusing to be the idle Fox and rabbit in the world.


Standing at the door of literature, the philosophy of life floating out of the door, like the bright stars on the night, lights up my life journey.


Shi Tiesheng, who derided himself as "the profession is sick, the writing is amateur", deeply moved by his thoughts on life in his writing, and his perseverance made me calm and calm when I was encountering bumps. Bing Xin's deep sea and holy maternal love also make me stop and feel the love of my life in the gap of walking in a hurry. Reading how steel is made, I moved by Paul's steel will, reading Robinson Crusoe, I appreciate the combination of life and nature


The living form and attitude embodied by literature, such as drizzle and flying flowers, moisten the poetic years of life. When I stand at the door of literature, the evening rain and morning wind come in bursts, making me walk strong and poetic.


I love Xiang Jixuan, more like standing at the gate of Xiang Jixuan.


Love her half of the wall under the bright moon, love her serenity of the night of three or five, love her narrow and simple.


Every time I open the Chinese book full of book fragrance, what I see is a low but steady Pavilion. Mr. Zhenchuan, who pursues peace and tranquility, lives here in peace. A calm and leisurely soul blooms here. Standing at the gate of Xiang Jixuan, my heart has been cultivated by this quiet atmosphere, and my impetuosity has disappeared. So I only dare to stand at the gate of Xiang Ji's small pavilion, look up to him who is not high but very high, look at everything here, and listen to the music that nature plays for him.


Standing at the gate of Xiang Jixuan, thinking about the scene of borrowing books, listening to the crazy roaring song, feeling the happiness of being crowded by books, then recalling the light melancholy but sweet past, recalling the sweet smile of parents, friends, classmates and teachers, immersed in the happiness of memories that everyone has but gradually forgotten! Then cry and smile softly!


Standing at the gate of Xiang Jixuan, thinking of the expression of sitting in silence, in front of the silent court step, the girl who learned to feed, smoothed down her sleeve, waved and spilled the grain, attracting the bird who would not go. Then stand there quietly watching, watching, integrating into the quiet but rhythmic courtyard color, waiting for the light and dark dusk, waiting for the moment when the sun sets and the flowers in front of the court bloom and fall. Then the lovely look of Shanshan, the little bird, emerges in her mind, learning to enjoy the harmony from nature in the beating melody of the little bird.


It's no wonder that Mr. Zhenchuan loves the broken but long-lived Pavilion alone. It's no wonder that Mr. Zhenchuan can think of the everlasting love under the bright moon in front of the court. It's no wonder that Mr. Zhenchuan has such a delicate mind to write such a delicate article. This love, this touch, this delicacy comes from the sweet memory, the harmony of the nature, the peace and carefree in the heart!


Standing at the gate of Xiang Jixuan, looking at the rising moon, looking at the small pavilion dim in the moonlight, thinking of Li Lewi's castle in the air, thinking of Zhu Ziqing's Lotus Pond Moonlight, this is not the castle in the sky that my soul is pursuing, nor the Lotus Pond Moonlight that I enjoy in the dark. This quiet, this harmony!




站在希望的門口,我的世界沒有灰暗,我的日子都是晴天,就算跌倒也會(huì)豪邁的笑。正如詩人顧城所說:黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,而我卻要用它去尋找光明。只要有海倫。凱勒的堅(jiān)強(qiáng),霍金的毅力和貝多芬的決心,就不會(huì)懼怕一切。世界終歸是 年輕人的舞臺,是屬于像我一樣勇往直前奮力拼搏的年輕人。
















Chapter 1.




Chapter 2.



Chapter 3.







