公務(wù)員期刊網(wǎng) 精選范文 七年級(jí)冊(cè)英語(yǔ)范文





第一單元詞組1. Play the guitar 彈吉他 2. what to do sth 想做 某事3. join the music club 加入俱樂(lè)部 4. speak English 說(shuō)英語(yǔ)5. match----with 與------匹配 6. play chess 下棋7. the swimming club 游泳俱樂(lè)部 8. what club 什么俱樂(lè)部9. a sports club 一個(gè)體育俱樂(lè)部 10. be good at telling stories 擅長(zhǎng)講故事11. the story telling club 講故事俱樂(lè)部 12. like to do/doing 喜歡做某事13. let’s join 讓我們加入 14. sounds good 聽(tīng)起來(lái)好15. students wanted for School Show學(xué)校表演招聘學(xué)生16. talk to /with跟某人談話(huà) 17. after school 放學(xué)后 18. do kung fu 表演功夫19. show sb sth=show sth to sb把某物展示某人 23. have fun doing 做事情很有趣20. play games with people 和人們做游戲 24. on the weekend 在周末21.be in the school music club 學(xué)校音樂(lè)俱樂(lè)部 25. call sb at 給某人打電話(huà)22. need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事 26. help+sb +v 幫助某人27. help sb with sth 幫助某人做某事 28. English-speaking students 說(shuō)英語(yǔ)的學(xué)生 29. play the piano 彈鋼琴 30. tell sth stories 給某人講故事31. it +adj +for sb to sth 32. be good with 和某人相處好33. help for old people 對(duì)老人的幫助 34. make friends with 和某人交朋友35. in July / on the morning of 36. be free / be busy37. the Students’ Sports center 學(xué)生的運(yùn)動(dòng)中38. teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事39. need help to teach music 需要幫助來(lái)做某事40. the teacher do what he can to help students 老師做他能做的事來(lái)幫助學(xué)生用法集萃play +棋類(lèi)/球類(lèi) 下……棋,打……球 play the +西洋樂(lè)器 彈/拉……樂(lè)器be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅長(zhǎng)做某事be good with sb. 善于與某人相處 need sb. To do sth. 需要某人做某事can + 動(dòng)詞原形 能/會(huì)做某事 a little + 不可數(shù)名詞 一點(diǎn)兒……join the …club 加入…俱樂(lè)部 like to do sth. =love to do sth. 喜歡/喜愛(ài)做某事典句必背Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club.You can join the English club. Sounds good.I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.第二單元詞組1. go to school 去上學(xué) 2. get up 起床3. get dressed 穿衣服 4. brush teeth 刷牙5. eat breakfast 吃早飯 6. take a shower 洗澡7. what time 什么時(shí)間 8. at six thirty 在六點(diǎn)半9. an interesting job 一個(gè)有趣的工作 10. at the radio station 在廣播電視臺(tái)11. always /usually/ often/ sometimes/ never 12. your radio show 你的廣播節(jié)目13. from ----to 從哪里到哪里 14. at night 在夜晚15. a funny time 一個(gè)有趣的時(shí)間 16. take exercise 鍛煉17. be late for 遲到 18. at about ten twenty 在大約十點(diǎn)二十 19. on weekends 在周末 20. on school days 在上學(xué)日21. half past six 六點(diǎn)半 22. a quarter past three 三點(diǎn)過(guò)一刻23. a quarter to seven 七點(diǎn)差一刻 24. do homework 做家庭作業(yè)25. take a walk 散步 26. have much time 有許多時(shí)間27. half an hour 半個(gè)小時(shí) 28. get home 到達(dá)家29. either-----or 或者----或者 30. eat a good breakfast 吃一頓快餐31. lots of /a lot of 許多 32. be good for 對(duì)------有益33. taste good 嘗起來(lái)好 34. do her homework 做她的家庭作業(yè) 35. have a healthy life 有一個(gè)健康的生活方 式用法集萃at + 具體時(shí)間點(diǎn) 在幾點(diǎn)(幾分) eat breakfast/ lunch/dinner吃早飯/午飯/晚飯thirtyhalf past +基數(shù)詞 ……點(diǎn)半 fifteena quarter to +基數(shù)詞 差一刻到……點(diǎn)from …to … 從……到…… need to do sth 需要做某事典句必背1. What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at six thirty.2. That’s a funny time for breakfast. 3. When do students uasually eat dinner?They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.4. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.5. At twelve,she eats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch..6. She knows it’s not good for her, but it tastes good.7. Here are your clothes. 佳作賞析主題:談?wù)撊粘W飨⒘?xí)慣My School DayI am a student. I usually get up at seven, and I eat breakfast at seven thirty. Then I go to school at eight. School starts at eight thirty. I eat lunch at taelve. I go home at 17:00. I often eat dinner at 19:00 and then play the piano. I do my homework at 20:00. At 22:00, I go to bed.第三單元詞組1. get to school 到達(dá)學(xué)校 2. take the train 乘火車(chē)3. take the subway 乘地鐵 4. ride a bike 騎自行車(chē)5. how do you get to school 怎么到達(dá)學(xué)校 6. one hundred and five 1057. how far is it 多遠(yuǎn) 8. how long does it take sb to do sth花費(fèi)某人多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間做某事 9. ten minutes-----how long 10. ten minutes’ walk -------how far11. ride the bike to school 騎自行車(chē)到學(xué)校 12. every day 每天13. walk to , drive to ,fly to 14. I’m not sure 我不敢確信15. about= around 大約 16. 10 kilometers away from 十公里遠(yuǎn)17. good exercise 好的鍛煉 18. walk to school 步行去學(xué)19. get home 到達(dá)家 20. drive his car to work 開(kāi)車(chē)去上班21. in his father’s car 坐父親的車(chē) 25. crossing the river is 穿過(guò)河是22. need about 10 minutes to get to school 需要十分鐘的時(shí)間到達(dá)學(xué)校

23. I want to know where Bob lives我想知道鮑勃住到哪24. what do you think of =how do you like 你覺(jué)得怎么樣26. it is easy to get to school=it’s+ adj. +for sb. to do sth. 到達(dá)學(xué)校很容易27. there is 就近原則 28. between----and 在兩者之間29. no= not any =not a 30. the river run quickly 河水流的快 31.quickly 動(dòng)作上 fast 速度上 soon時(shí)間上 32. on a ropeway 在索道上33. go on a ropeway to cross the river 坐索道穿過(guò)河 37. love to do 喜歡做某事34. an 11-year-old boy一個(gè)11歲大的男孩35. ten minutes’ walk / a ten-minute walk 10分鐘的路 39. leave for . 離開(kāi)到某地36. be afraid to do, be afraid of sth / doing害怕做某事 41. come true 實(shí)現(xiàn)38. be like a father to me 像父親一樣做某事 43. why ------because40. leave sth at/ on /in +地點(diǎn) 把某物留在某地 42. why not +v原形44. thanks for +n /doing sth為什么而感謝 45. how to do it 怎么來(lái)做它46. at about 8:00 在大約8點(diǎn)用法集萃take… to …= go to … by… 乘…去…How do / does (sb)get to …? …是怎樣到…的?How far is it from … to …? 從…到…有多遠(yuǎn)?It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花費(fèi)某人多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。How long does it take …? … 花費(fèi)多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?It is + adj. + to do sth. 做某事是….Thanks for + n. / v. ing 感謝你(做)某事。典句必背– How do you get to school? - I ride my bike.How far is it from your home to school?How long does it take you to get to school?For many students, it is easy to get to school.There is a very big river between their school and the village.話(huà)題寫(xiě)作主題:上學(xué)的交通方式 寫(xiě)作思路:開(kāi)篇點(diǎn)題:點(diǎn)出自己的出行方式;具體內(nèi)容:自己選擇這種交通方式的原因;結(jié)束語(yǔ): 表明自己的觀點(diǎn)。The Best Way for Me to Go to SchoolDifferent students go to school in different ways in our school, but I like to go to school on foot.First, I live near the school, so my home is not far from my school. And it takes me a few minutes to get there. Second, there is a crossing on my way to school, and sometimes the traffic is very busy. I think it is safer to go to school on foot. Third, I think walking is good for my health. It’s a kind of sport and it makes me study better.So in my opinion, the best way to go to school is on foot. What about you?第四單元詞組1. Don’t talk in class 在課堂上 2. in the hallways 在走廊里3. the number of +名詞復(fù)數(shù) ---的數(shù)量 4. follow the rules 遵循規(guī)則5. break the rules 打破規(guī)則 6. arrive late for class 上課遲到

7. listen to music 聽(tīng)音樂(lè) 8. fight with 與某人打架9.get to school on time按時(shí)到校 10. next to緊挨著11. don’t eat in class 不要在教室吃東西12. listen to music outside 在外面聽(tīng)音樂(lè)13. wear a hat 戴帽子 14. there are too many rules 有太多規(guī)則15. be late for 遲到 16. bring sth to 帶來(lái)17. have to be quiet 不得不安靜 18. a uniform 一個(gè)校服19. talk about sth 談?wù)?20. Does he have to wear 他不得不穿21. see friends 看朋友 22. practice the guitar 練習(xí)吉他23. help his mom make breakfast 幫助媽媽做早飯 24. be unhappy 不高興25. too many rules太多規(guī)則 too much +不可數(shù)名詞 much too 太26. make your bed 整理床鋪 27. after breakfast 早飯后28. leave sth in/on/ at +地點(diǎn) 29. forget to do sth 忘記做某事30. because / .so 不可同時(shí)連用 31. be noisy 太鬧/ be quiet安靜32. how do you feel 你感覺(jué)怎么樣 33. feel well 感覺(jué)好34. tell sb to do sth 告訴某人做某事 35. think about it 考慮它36. on weekends 在周末 37. be strict with sb in sth 對(duì)某人某事嚴(yán)格要求38. remember to do 記住做某事 39. make rules to help us 制定規(guī)則做某事40. follow sb to do sth 跟著某人做某事 41. a school uniform 一個(gè)校服42. keep my hair short 保持頭發(fā)短 43. play with my friends44. relaxing +物 . relaxed 人 45. learn to do 學(xué)做某事46. learn from sb 向----學(xué)習(xí) 47. have fun doing 有趣做某事48. have to go to the kitchen to get food for sb 不得不去廚房拿食物給某人49. write a letter to 寫(xiě)信給某人 50. want sb to do sth 想讓某人做事51. it’s best to do sth 做某事


1. Everyone______having a good time.

A. am B. is C. are

2. ______is the weather like?

A. How B. What C. Which

3. ______is it going?

A. How B. What C. Where

4. ______is Jeff going for his vacation(假期)?

A. How B. What C. Where

5. What______you______when it’s raining?

A. do … do B. are … doing C. did … do

6. The game looks______. I want to have a try.

A. fun B. cool C. boring

7. How’s the weather there? ______. I’m on the beach.

A. Not bad B. it’s snow. C. It’s hot

8. Is he______? No, he’s______in the water.

A. swims, fishing B. swiming, running C. swimming, walking

9. I like the weather there. It’s always______.

A. sunny B. snowing C. funny

10. I like taking______. It’s much fun.

A. photos B. pictures C. medicine

11. Thank you for______us.

A. helping B. to help C. help

12. It’s windy and cold, so he is wearing a scarf______his neck(脖子).

A. around B. on C. with

13. It’s______in spring and it’s in summer.

A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot

14. Uncle Tom is a writer. He is______a book.

A. writing B. writing C. writeing.

15. ______many people her on vacation

A. They’re B. There are C. There is

16. How much is it? Five______yuan.

A. thousand B. thounds C. thound’s

17. It’s a nice______.

A. weather B. photo C. day

18. What______Lucy and Lily______?

A. is… doing B. are … doing C.does… do

19. Kate is______English. I’m______American.

A. a, an B. /…/ C. an, a

20. That______terrible.

A. look B. hears C. sounds.

II. 完型填空:

Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 1 . Dally wants 2 her mother something. Dally 3 10 dollars. She is thinking about 4 . She thinks and thinks. Then she has an 5 . “I can buy a card 6 my dear mother.”

Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card. She 7 some words on it.

She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.” Her mother is 8 happy. “ 9 , Dally. ” She says. Dally is 10 , too.

( ) 1. A. Teachers’ Day B. Christmas’ Day

C. Women’s Day D. Womans’ Day

( ) 2. A. to give B. give C. giving D. to have

( ) 3. A. have B. has C. is D. buys

( ) 4. A. how to buy B. what to buy

C. how buy it D. what buy

( ) 5. A. card B. idea C. hour D. idea

( ) 6. A. with B. at C. of D. for

( ) 7. A. writes B. reads C. hears D. says

( ) 8. A. much B. very C. real D. certain

( ) 9. A. Come on B. It’s March 7th today

C. I buy a card for you D. Thank you

( ) 10. A. sad B. happy C. tall D. angry



Dear Mary,

Thanks a lot for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first one, I am swimming in the lake. In the second one, I am playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. We’re having dinner. In the last one, I am with my little sister Beth. She’s watching TV and I am doing my homework.

Best wishes to you and you family. Please write to me soon.


1. This letter is from _____ to _____.

A. Mary; Jim B. Jim; Mary C. Ann; Beth

2. Jim likes ______ very much.

A. the letter B. the beautiful photos C. A and B

3. In the first photo, Jim is __________.

A. playing football B. swimming C. A and

4. Jim has one ________.

A. sister B. brother C. friend

5. In the last photo, Jim is ______ and Beth is


A. watching TV; doing homework

B. doing homework; watching TV;

C. having dinner; writing a letter


I‘m Bruce. I like nature(自然),so I sent to university(大學(xué)) and worked hard at gardening. I became a gardener in a park. I love my job. I like the outdoor life—not sitting at a desk for me, though sometimes it is a bit lonely. I have to spend the whole day in the park and can not see anyone else. I enjoy all kinds of things I do. I know I also have to be outside in really bad weather sometimes.

When people visit the park, I try to walk to them and encourage (鼓勵(lì)) them to love nature and the outdoors. I don‘t like to see branches(樹(shù)枝) broken off trees, plants pulled up, animals hurt and so on(等等) .But on the whole, it‘s a useful job.

1. What does Bruce do?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A worker. D. A gardener.

2. How did Bruce study in university?

A. Easily. B. Hard. C. Difficultly. D. Slowly.

3. Bruce likes outdoor life because

A. he needn‘t sit at a desk all day

B. he doesn‘t like to see other people

C. he likes to be lonely

D. he like the bad weather

4. When people come to see the park, Bruce does his best .

A. to ask them to go away from the park

B. to ask them to work in the park

C. to ask them to cut branches off the trees

D. to ask them to love nature

5. What does Bruce think of his work?

A. Not important B. Tired. C. Very useful. D. Dangerous.


Today is Sunday. It’s a beautiful, s___1__ day! Mary and her classmates are going to the West Hill f 2 a picnic. They’re r 3 bikes. Right now, they’re coming to a place at the f 4 of the hill. There are beautiful flowers and green t 5 there. Mary and her f 6 are preparing the picnic. Some are getting water. O 7 are cooking. Now, their lunch is r 8 . They are singing, talking, e 9 , and drinking. Everyone is h 10 a good time.



1.----What ______ your classmates doing in the classroom?

----They’re doing their homework.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

2. Who’s the beautiful woman _________ a red hat?

A. wear B. wearing C. wears D. to wear

3. Tom and his English teacher _______ over there.

A. talks B. are talking C. is talk D.be talking

4. I am playing __________ basketball at school.

A. the B. a C. D. this

5. Our Chinese teacher is helping ________ with our writing.

A. we and she B. she and we

C. me and her D. she and me

6. In winter, we need more clothes.

A. wearing B wears C to wear D. to wearing

7. Thanks for _______.

A. do this for me

B. help my friend

C. making me a nice sweater

D. to come to meet me at the station.

8.A strong wind arrived in Harbin. It’ll ______ much rain.

A. bring B. take C carry D get

9. --________________________?

--It’s raining now.

A. What’s the weather like B. How’s your birthday party

C. Where are they having a good time D. When is it coming

10. Mr. Li is an Egyptian. He likes wearing a kind of scarf _____ his head

A. in B at C over D on


A poor boy became a rich and a famous (的)singer. He married(結(jié)婚) and had two sons and two daughters. One day he said to his wife, “Our family 1 have a hard life, 2 we had .We must 3 them more than our parents 4 us.” The wife agreed. So the 5 sent their children to 6 schools. They 7 expensive sports. They were given everything in life 8 this; they were not taught 9 to work, Later the parents brought businesses for their 10 . .The sons, at twenty-one, 11 the owner of bus companies. The girls were given shops. Soon all these businesses 12 because the young owners knew 13 of business, or 14of work. The man said to his wife, “Where did we 15 wrong?”

( )1. A. couldn’t B. could C. mustn’t D. must

( )2. A. as B. for C. like D. so

( )3.A.buy B. tell C. take D help

( )4. A. gave B. give C. helped D. help

( )5.A.parents B. brother C. sister D. teacher

( )6. A. common B. ordinary C. expensive D. poor

( )7. A. heard B. did C. watched D. enjoyed

( )8. A. except B. except for C. beside D. besides

( )9. A. where B. when C. how D. what

( )10A.sisters B. children C. brothers D. sons

( )11.A.became B. got C. liked D. hit

( )12. A. destroyed(毀壞) B. failed

C. suffered(遭受) D. fell

( )13.A.nothing B. everything C. something D. anything

( )14 A. worse still B. better still

C. even faster D. even slower

( )15. A. come B. go C. bring D. take


Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer. He grew up on a farm in Michigan. Like most farmers at that time, his father William hoped his eldest son would help him on the farm, but Henry was not interested in farm work at all. He did everything he could to avoid it. Once he wrote:“ What a waste it is for a man to spend hours behind a slowly moving horse.”

However, Henry was not a lazy boy. He liked to do mechanical(機(jī)械方面的) work very much. When he was twelve, he became quite interested in clo-cks and watches. He mended clocks and watches for his friends in his bedroom. Later he took a job as a mechanic in Detroit. He began to show great interest in steam engines (蒸汽發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)) at his time. In 1892, he built his first car. In 1908, he built the famous “Model T”. This car was so popular at that time that it was unchanged for twenty years. Five years after that he stared the Ford Motor Company.

( ) 1. Henry grew up in _________.

A. Detroit B. Michigan C. Canada

( ) 2. His father wanted him to be ____________.

A. a worker B. a mechanic C.a farmer

( ) 3. Henry was interested in ________________.

A. farm B. horse C. clocks and watches

( ) 4. He started mending clocks and watches for his friends ______.

A. in 1908 B. when he was twelve C. in 1892

( ) 5. He built his first car in __________.

A. 1892 B. 1908 C. 1928


Many teenagers(青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They think that their family members and even their parent don’t know them as well as their friend do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for advice.

It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time among themselves on the phone. The communication( 交流) is very important in children’s growing up, because friends can discuss something difficult to say to their family members. However, parents often try to choose their children’s friends for them. Some parents stop their children from their children from meeting their good friends.

1. It seems that the writer is what parents do.

A. pleased with B. surprised at

C. worried about D. angry with

2. For many teenagers, their know them better than their parents do.

A. friends B. brothers and sisters

C. neighbors D. their grandparents

3.When teenagers have no friends around, they usually .

A. go to their friends’ homes

B. talk on the phone to their friends

C. stay at home with their parents

D. talk with their parents

4. The word “ advice” in the reading is about .

A. how to do something

B. when to fight with each other

C. what to do with their homework

D. why to do their homework

5. The best title of the reading is .

A. Large Families

B. Parents Decide Everything

C. Parents and Teenagers

D. Teenagers Need Friends


Li Lei gets an E-mail f 1 Jack Wilson. Jack is a high school student from Canada. He wants to l 2 Chinese.

Dear friend,

My name is Jack Wilson. I am from Toronto, C 3 . I am 13 years old. I am a schoolboy. I know China is a great c 4 . I want to m 5 friends in China to learn Chinese.

There are nineteen students in my class. My c 6 are from six countries. They are learning English. My parents are from France. They speak F 7 .There are many Chinese h 8 in Toronto. I want to learn Chinese, b 9 I don’t have any Chinese textbooks. Could you h 10 me?

Please write to me soon. Thank you. Jack Wilson





I. 1-5 BBACA 6-10 BCCCAA 11-15 AACAB 16-20 ACBBC

II. 1.C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B

III.(A)1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B (B) 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C

IV.1. sunny 2. for 3. riding 4. foot 5. trees 6. friends

7. Others 8. ready 9. eating 10. having


I. 1.D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D

II. 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.B

III (A) 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A (B) 1. C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5. D

IV.1. from 2. learn 3. Canada 4. country 5. make




《新目標(biāo)英語(yǔ)》教材的語(yǔ)言教育理念是:知識(shí)用于行動(dòng),強(qiáng)調(diào)“語(yǔ)言應(yīng)用”,培養(yǎng)“創(chuàng)新實(shí)踐能力”,發(fā)展“學(xué)習(xí)策略”。它采用任務(wù)型語(yǔ)言教學(xué)模式。教材中每單元都設(shè)計(jì)一個(gè)或幾個(gè)與該單元話(huà)題有關(guān)的任務(wù),讓學(xué)生在完成任務(wù)的過(guò)程中,使用英語(yǔ)獲取信息,用英語(yǔ)進(jìn)行交流,培養(yǎng)運(yùn)用英語(yǔ)解決實(shí)際問(wèn)題的能力。本課是新目標(biāo)英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)下冊(cè)第三單元第一課時(shí),教材以How do you get to school?.為中心話(huà)題,圍繞著談?wù)搶W(xué)生們上學(xué)的方式,及其他人到達(dá)某地的方式,融入了知識(shí)重點(diǎn),學(xué)會(huì)使用交通工具 。


1.知識(shí)目標(biāo):a)學(xué)習(xí)單詞:by bike, live, car, drive, by等 b)學(xué)習(xí)并掌握句型:

How do you get to school?I ride my bike.

How does she get to school? She usually takes the bus.





1. 重點(diǎn);學(xué)習(xí)重點(diǎn)單詞,句型和語(yǔ)法點(diǎn):

2. 難點(diǎn):How的使用




新教材重視以人為本,強(qiáng)調(diào)素質(zhì)教育。在教學(xué)中,要注意發(fā)揮學(xué)生的主體作用,把空間留給學(xué)生。抓住初中生活潑好動(dòng),表現(xiàn)欲強(qiáng)的心理特點(diǎn),課堂上我設(shè)計(jì)了大量聽(tīng)、說(shuō)、讀、 的訓(xùn)練,啟發(fā)學(xué)生動(dòng)腦思考,鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生大膽開(kāi)口,暢所欲言,盡可能運(yùn)用英語(yǔ)表達(dá)實(shí)際意義,從而最大限度地調(diào)動(dòng)學(xué)生的積極性和主動(dòng)性。教學(xué)中,我主要采用任務(wù)型教學(xué)法,情景結(jié)合教學(xué)法,分層法和通過(guò)學(xué)習(xí)五步教學(xué)法,精講巧練,由淺入深,由易到難,由已知到未知,循序漸近地深化教學(xué)內(nèi)容。展開(kāi)以教師為主導(dǎo),以學(xué)生為主體的師生雙邊活動(dòng)。


1. 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生用小組合作學(xué)生的方式來(lái)完成任務(wù)型教學(xué)所設(shè)計(jì)的各項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。全班分為6個(gè)小組,每組8人,各組英語(yǔ)水平相當(dāng),并引入競(jìng)爭(zhēng)機(jī)制。培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的實(shí)際能力,發(fā)展學(xué)生的合作能力。 2. 采取的教學(xué)手段是情景教學(xué),任務(wù)型教學(xué)法。


Step 1.Leading-in 創(chuàng)設(shè)情景,導(dǎo)入新課

以自己為例,描述自己及家人的上班方式。然后問(wèn)學(xué)生問(wèn)題,How do you get to school?

Step 2.warming up

利用 A chant激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣并導(dǎo)入到交通工具。

Step 3.Presentation 新課講解,呈現(xiàn)教學(xué)內(nèi)容

電腦呈現(xiàn)交通工具的畫(huà)片,讓學(xué)生分別說(shuō)出它們的英文名字,并且作出相應(yīng)的短語(yǔ)eg: take the train , ride a bike, take a boat, take the bus等等,。

Step 4.Practicing反復(fù)操練,鞏固運(yùn)用

在在圖片旁邊寫(xiě)上短語(yǔ),表示到某地的方式。讓學(xué)生造句,然后根據(jù)圖片做相應(yīng)的小對(duì)話(huà)eg: How do you get to school?I….

Step 5.Listening and doing口語(yǔ)操練,加深印象


播放21b 部分的錄音,讓學(xué)生跟讀,完成1b的任務(wù)。

Step 6.Summary (總結(jié))

Step 6.Homework課外作業(yè)

1. 掌握所學(xué)詞匯。

2. 每人做一份調(diào)查表,調(diào)查自己至少五位親戚朋友的出行方式。



板書(shū)設(shè)計(jì)如下:Unit 3How do you get to school?

Section A


Phrases: take the bustake the traintake the subwayride a bike

Drills: A: How do you gettoschool?

B: I take the bus.

A: How does he /she get to school?

B: He/She walks.





1.適當(dāng)補(bǔ)充,為學(xué)生搭建認(rèn)知平臺(tái)。在新生入學(xué)之初,適當(dāng)?shù)匮a(bǔ)充小學(xué)內(nèi)容,銜接小學(xué)課程是非常必要的。首先對(duì)初中起始年級(jí)和小學(xué)教材進(jìn)行整合:(1)補(bǔ)充音標(biāo)知識(shí),過(guò)好語(yǔ)音關(guān)。在七年級(jí)學(xué)習(xí)26個(gè)字母的同時(shí),一定要不遺余力地讓學(xué)生學(xué)好音標(biāo),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的拼讀能力,使學(xué)生掌握讀音規(guī)則, 為學(xué)生記憶和積累詞匯奠定基礎(chǔ)。(2)鞏固小學(xué)必備的詞匯,有計(jì)劃地復(fù)習(xí)小學(xué)的詞匯。把新教材小學(xué)三年級(jí)到六年級(jí)所有詞匯列出來(lái)配合音標(biāo)教學(xué)。同時(shí)教他們便于記憶、鞏固單詞的方法,過(guò)好單詞關(guān)。(3)整合小學(xué)的交際話(huà)題,溫故知新。由復(fù)習(xí)小學(xué)的話(huà)題,導(dǎo)入新授知識(shí),循序漸進(jìn),完成教學(xué)目標(biāo)。

2. 刪減內(nèi)容,減輕學(xué)生負(fù)擔(dān)。在不影響教學(xué)目標(biāo)的前提下,根據(jù)學(xué)生的實(shí)際,刪減教材中一些過(guò)于城市化、知識(shí)結(jié)構(gòu)體系復(fù)雜、難度較大的內(nèi)容,以便集中精力處理最重要的教學(xué)內(nèi)容,實(shí)施最有效的教學(xué)活動(dòng),落實(shí)最重要的語(yǔ)言知識(shí)和技能。那么,哪些內(nèi)容可以刪掉?(1)學(xué)生不熟悉的話(huà)題。(2)難度過(guò)高或過(guò)低的板塊。(3)在教學(xué)中難以實(shí)施的活動(dòng)。比如,簡(jiǎn)化Warming up、Prereading等教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié);舍棄一些與學(xué)生生活相距較遠(yuǎn)、專(zhuān)業(yè)性太強(qiáng)的內(nèi)容或不常見(jiàn)的地理名詞等。如七年級(jí)上冊(cè)Module 9 A trip to the zoo 這模塊的生詞量相當(dāng)大,總共43個(gè)生詞,其中很多個(gè)動(dòng)物名稱(chēng)、地理名詞的單詞很難記,那么我們可以刪除一些不常見(jiàn)的動(dòng)物名稱(chēng)和地理名稱(chēng),減輕學(xué)生負(fù)擔(dān)。


4.分散、易化難點(diǎn),提高教學(xué)效果。分散、易化難點(diǎn),這就要求教師對(duì)教材進(jìn)行挖掘、梳理、濃縮,以便使課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容化難為易。對(duì)于語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)比較多的模塊,我們須把語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)分散開(kāi),早滲透,重積累。如七年級(jí)下冊(cè)Module 10 Unit 1 同時(shí)出現(xiàn)了很多月份和節(jié)日的詞匯,還有一般過(guò)去時(shí)疑問(wèn)句、否定句的操練。對(duì)學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)任務(wù)量較大,尤其是學(xué)困生。所以要設(shè)法分散難點(diǎn),從開(kāi)學(xué)初就每天在黑板上寫(xiě)一個(gè)月份和一個(gè)節(jié)日的詞匯,讓學(xué)生反復(fù)練習(xí),每天記一兩個(gè),學(xué)生沒(méi)負(fù)擔(dān),待講到Module 10 Unit 1時(shí),我們把月份和節(jié)日的詞匯加以整理歸納操練,既是新授又是復(fù)習(xí)。學(xué)生掃除了生詞障礙,本節(jié)課的教學(xué)重點(diǎn)就可以放在一般過(guò)去時(shí)的疑問(wèn)句、否定句的操練上,課堂教學(xué)內(nèi)容化難為易,化繁為簡(jiǎn)。


( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp

( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber

( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach

( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five

( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks

( ) 6. A. desk B. door C. table D. cold

二.選擇題: 16%

( )1. I ____ to sing.

A. am B. can C. like

( )2.______ do you live?

A. What B. Where C. Who

( )3.May I _______ some Coke?

A. has B. have C. have got

( )4.Have ________ milk.

A. an B. a C. some

( )5. Do you like to dance? Yes, ____________.

A.I can B. I do C. I am

( )6. Winter is ______ cold.

A. the B. an C./

( )7.Draw a bird ________ the ground.。

A. on B. to C. under

( )8. What __________is it? It’s green.

A. / B. colour C. animal

( )9.“Oink, Oink”。 What do you _____?

A. have B. hear C. look

( )10. It’s cold. ____________ your coat.。

A. Put on B. Take off C. Look at

( )11. How do you go to the park? __________

A. Get in the car. B. By car. C. Get off the car.

( )12. Have a biscuit, please. _________.

A. I can. B. I like. C. Thank you.

( )13. Listen _____ the clock.

A. to B. in C. on

( )14.Green light! We can go_______.

A. stop B. fast C slow

( )15. Is it on the tree? Yes, _________.

A. it not B. it is C. it is not

( )16. Go ________, spotty!

A. there B. here C. where


( ) 1.What do you hear? A. We can draw.

( ) 2. What can you do? B. He’s my friend.

( ) 3. What do you see? C. I need new shoes.

( ) 4. Who is your friend? D. I hear ‘ Moo, moo’。

( ) 5. What do you need? E. I see a yellow tiger.


Hello, I’m May and I’m a girl. I ___1___ in Shanghai. I’ve got a bedroom. _____2_____ it, please, the lamp is ____3____ the desk. I love my bedroom and my family.

I can do many things. I can clean the window, ____4___ the floor, read books and write. Today(今天), I want to(想要) go to a farm, but(但是) it is cold, the wind blows, blows and blows. So(所以) I ____5___ a coat, a hat and gloves to put on. My friend ask(問(wèn)) me:“ _____6_____ do you go to the farm?”I reply(回答):“ ____7____ van.” I _____8_____ some hens, chicks, ducks, pigs, cows and sheep on the farm. I am very happy.

( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live

( ) 2. A. Look at B. Find C. Listen to

( ) 3. A. in B. under C. on

( ) 4. A. sleep B. sweep C. swim

( ) 5. A. am B. need C. do

( ) 6. A. How B. Where C. What

( ) 7. A. To B. Off C. By

( ) 8. A. listen B. see C. look








j  b r y  d n e  s l k


_____Cc_____ _____Hh_____ _____Mm_____ _____ Oo ______ _____ Uu ______三、選出不同類(lèi)的單詞、(只寫(xiě)序號(hào))10分

( )1、A, draw B, cook C、 red( )2、A, dance B, grape C、 banana( )3、A, box B, blue C、 balloon( )4、A, blue B, green C、 book( )5、A, cold B ,beanie C、coat四、選出下列單詞的漢語(yǔ)意思、(只寫(xiě)序號(hào))10分

( )1、I A, 我 B, 你( )2、yes A, 不是 B, 是的( )3、red A, 紅色 B, 綠色( )4、your A, 你的 B, 我的( )5、robot A, 機(jī)器人 B ,先生五、給下列句子選擇正確的漢語(yǔ)意思。(只寫(xiě)序號(hào)) 20分

( )1、good morning

A, 早上好 B, 下午好( )2、Thank you .

A, 對(duì)不起 B, 謝謝你( )3、Oh 、no !

A, 哦、不! B,哦、是的。( )4、This is Miss Li.

A, 這是李老師。 B, 這是李先生 。( )5、Look at my balloon.

A, 看我的氣球。 B ,給我一個(gè)氣球( )6、I can dance.

A, 我會(huì)畫(huà)畫(huà) 。 B, 我會(huì)跳舞 。( )7、It’s blue.

A, 它是藍(lán)色的 。 B,它是黑色的。( )8、great.

A, 太棒了。 B, 我喜歡。( )9、Put on your scarf .

A,戴上你的圍巾 B, 穿上你的外套( )10、It’s cold .

A, 天氣很冷。 B ,天氣很熱。六、情景交際、選擇正確答案、把序號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)里。20分

( )1、早上你遇見(jiàn)了小強(qiáng)、你想和他打招呼、你可以說(shuō): ________.

A, Good morning B, Good night.( )2、你告訴媽媽你喜歡吃葡萄、應(yīng)該說(shuō): ________。

A, I like grapes. B,I like bananas .( )3、放學(xué)后、你想跟同學(xué)說(shuō)再見(jiàn)、應(yīng)該說(shuō):________

A, Good afternoon . B, Goodbye .( )4、請(qǐng)給我一個(gè)粉色的氣球、應(yīng)該說(shuō):________


一、 Listen and choose (聽(tīng)錄音,找出聽(tīng)到的字母組或單詞,將字母代號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)內(nèi)) 12%

(  )1. A. PD B. BD

(  )2. A. RP B. PR

(  )3. A. TL B. TJ

(  )4. A. unB. m n

(  )5. A. p qB. q p

(  )6. A. a r B. i r

(  )7. A. horse B. bear

(  )8. A. table B. desk

(  )9. A. skipB. swing

(  )10 A. cowB. chick

(  )11. A. rubber B. pencil

(  )12. A. quiltB. belt

二、Listen and tick (聽(tīng)錄音,勾出聽(tīng)到的字母組) 8%









5. vuavau uav


6.  lmi ilmlim


7. pqb bqp bpq


8. oas soaosa


三、Listen and tick (聽(tīng)錄音,勾出聽(tīng)到的圖片) 6%


四、 Listen and match(聽(tīng)錄音連線(xiàn)) 5%

1. Draw a sheep the door.

2. Don‘t climb he classroom.

3. Close the window.

4. Open he tree.

5. Come to  on the ground.

五、 Listen and choose (找出你聽(tīng)到的句子,將字母代號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)內(nèi))5%

(  )1.A. This is my room.B. This is my bed.(  )2.A. I hear a pig.B. I see a pig.(  )3.A. Look at the umbrella.B. There is an umbrella.(  )4.A. Sam can skip.B. Sam can swing.(  )5.A. I’ve got a rubber.B. I‘ve got a pencil. 六、Listen and choose (聽(tīng)問(wèn)句,選答句,將字母代號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)內(nèi))6%(  )1.A. I can sing.B. He can sing.(  )2. A. I see a rabbitB. I hear a chick.(  )3. A. It is a cow.B. Yes, it is a cow.(  )4. A. A park.B. A lamp.(  )5.A. I hear a hen.B. I like a hen.(  )6. A. It is on the table.B. I t is on the floor. 七、 Listen and judge (聽(tīng)錄音,判斷正誤,用“T”表示正確,“F”表示錯(cuò)誤) 8%(  )1. I hear a cow on the farm. It goes “moo, moo”。

(  )2. Look at the panda. It is black and white. It is on the box.

(  )3. I have a friend. He is big and grey. He has two small ears.

(  )4. There is a bed and a sofa in my room. The bed is blue. The sofa is red.

Part 2 Writing(閱讀部分)50%

一、 Copy the following (正確抄寫(xiě)字母和單詞)10%

N R U G K q p b d j_____________________________________

come friend brown grass tiger_____________________________________

二、 Look and circle (圈出相應(yīng)的大寫(xiě)字母或小寫(xiě)字母)6%

1.Q( a q d ) 2. t ( I L T ) 3. N ( n f m ) 4. r ( R V S ) 5. U ( v u x) 6. g ( G D J )

三、Look and write (看圖,將單詞寫(xiě)完整) 10%


四、 Read and choose (圈出不同類(lèi)的詞) 6%

1. fly walk floor swim2. animal tiger chick panda3. orange cake banana peach4. look see here hear5. pencil rubber ruler sweet6. bed sofa room table五、 Read and choose (選擇填空,將字母代號(hào)填入括號(hào)內(nèi))6%

(  )1. I have _______ orange. (A. aB. an )

(  )2. _____ do you see? A monkey. ( A. What B. Where)

(  )3. There ______ three boys in the room.(A. isB. are)

(  )4. _____ you walk on the grass in the park?( A. AreB. Can)

(  )5. ______ here. (A. Go B. Come)

(  )6. The cat can _____.(A. fly B. jump)

六、Read and judge( 讀句子,判斷正誤,用“T”表示正確,“F”表示錯(cuò)誤) 8%

(  )1.你看到了天空中的一只鳥(niǎo),說(shuō),I hear a bird.

(  )2. 當(dāng)你看見(jiàn)有人在公園里爬樹(shù),就勸他說(shuō),Climb the tree in the park.

(  )3. 小貓?jiān)谀愕拇蚕拢阏f(shuō), There is a cat under my bed.

(  )4. 起風(fēng)了,媽媽看見(jiàn)窗還開(kāi)著就對(duì)你說(shuō),Close the window, please.

七、Read and choose(根據(jù)短文,圈出正確的內(nèi)容)4%

I am in the park. I can see many fish in the river. I hear the bees on the flowers. I can play on the swing. But I can not walk on the grass. Look, this is my umbrella. It is pink. I can sit under my umbrella. I am happy.

1. (  ) I am in the _______.

A. parkB. zoo

2. (  ) I can see many______ in the river.

A. ducks B. fish

3. (  ) My umbrella is ______

A. redB. pink


in 在上面

on 在里面

under 在后面

behind   在旁邊

near  在下面

desk  書(shū)桌

chair  椅子

blackboard 黑板

light  床

bed  燈

door   盒子

box    門(mén)

ball   布娃娃

doll    球

car 火車(chē)

train  汽車(chē)

where  當(dāng)然

sorry 可以能夠

can    對(duì)不起

sure    在哪里

二、 聽(tīng)音標(biāo)號(hào)

( )Where is the book?

( )Where is the schoolbag?

( )It’s on the bed

( )It’s in the schoolbag

( )What’s under the desk?

( )What’s behind the door?

( )A chair

( )A bird

( )Sure

( )Sorry no

( )Can I have a car?

( )Can I have a bear?

三、 聽(tīng)音圈詞

1 deskchair

2 dollball

3 cartrain

4 doorbed

5 inon

6 lightbox

7 underbehind

8 nearbehind

9 sorrysure

10 bearplane


1.Nice to meet you!

A.Nice to meet you,too. B. Here you are.2. How are you?

A.I’m fine. Thank you. B.I’m six years old.3.Where is the ruler?

A.On the desk B.A bird4.What’s in the schoolbag?

A. A book B. Sure5.Can I have a car?

A. Sure B. A light五、聽(tīng)音標(biāo)號(hào)

in on under behind near_____________________________________

desk chair blackboard light_____________________________________

bed door box plane ball_____________________________________

doll train car bear_____________________________________


1 .Where is the ruler?

2. Put your schoolbag under the chair.

3. What’s behind the door?

4.What’s under the desk?

5.Can I have a car?

6. Can I have a bear?


8. Here you are.

9. Thank you.

10. Sorry.



j  b r y  d n e  s l k


_____Cc_____ _____Hh_____ _____Mm_____ _____ Oo ______ _____ Uu ______三、選出不同類(lèi)的單詞、(只寫(xiě)序號(hào))10分

( )1、A, draw B, cook C、 red( )2、A, dance B, grape C、 banana( )3、A, box B, blue C、 balloon( )4、A, blue B, green C、 book( )5、A, cold B ,beanie C、coat四、選出下列單詞的漢語(yǔ)意思、(只寫(xiě)序號(hào))10分

( )1、I A, 我 B, 你( )2、yes A, 不是 B, 是的( )3、red A, 紅色 B, 綠色( )4、your A, 你的 B, 我的( )5、robot A, 機(jī)器人 B ,先生五、給下列句子選擇正確的漢語(yǔ)意思。(只寫(xiě)序號(hào)) 20分

( )1、good morning

A, 早上好 B, 下午好( )2、Thank you .

A, 對(duì)不起 B, 謝謝你( )3、Oh 、no !

A, 哦、不! B,哦、是的。( )4、This is Miss Li.

A, 這是李老師。 B, 這是李先生 。( )5、Look at my balloon.

A, 看我的氣球。 B ,給我一個(gè)氣球( )6、I can dance.

A, 我會(huì)畫(huà)畫(huà) 。 B, 我會(huì)跳舞 。( )7、It’s blue.

A, 它是藍(lán)色的 。 B,它是黑色的。( )8、great.

A, 太棒了。 B, 我喜歡。( )9、Put on your scarf .

A,戴上你的圍巾 B, 穿上你的外套( )10、It’s cold .

A, 天氣很冷。 B ,天氣很熱。六、情景交際、選擇正確答案、把序號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)里。20分

( )1、早上你遇見(jiàn)了小強(qiáng)、你想和他打招呼、你可以說(shuō): ________.

A, Good morning B, Good night.( )2、你告訴媽媽你喜歡吃葡萄、應(yīng)該說(shuō): ________。

A, I like grapes. B,I like bananas .( )3、放學(xué)后、你想跟同學(xué)說(shuō)再見(jiàn)、應(yīng)該說(shuō):________

A, Good afternoon . B, Goodbye .( )4、請(qǐng)給我一個(gè)粉色的氣球、應(yīng)該說(shuō):________